Rera registration seems to be a rarity for city developers

The Dos and Don’ts of NRI Investing In Indian Realty

BENGALURU: About a thousand housing projects in the state, most of them in Bengaluru, are under the scanner of the state’s Real Estate Regulatory Authority (Rera), for failing to register with the regulator and ignoring their notices. As a result, customers of flats at these residential projects will lose their right to approach the Rera if they face a problem with the seller. Rera polices only those projects that are registered with it. The real estate regulator has put out a list of such projects on its website — this…

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नोएडा की नौ परियोजनाओं को रेरा ने किया गैरपंजीकृत


जागरण संवाददाता, ग्रेटर नोएडा : बिल्डरों के धोखे के शिकार खरीदारों की बढ़ती शिकायत को ध्यान में रखते हुए लोगों को जागरूक करने के लिए उत्तर प्रदेश भू संपदा विनियामक प्राधिकरण (यूपी रेरा) हरसंभव कदम उठा रहा है। इसी क्रम में रेरा ने राज्य की 36 परियोजनाओं को पंजीकरण सूची से बाहर कर दिया है। इसमें नौ परियोजनाएं गौतमबुद्ध नगर की हैं। गैरपंजीकृत परियोजनाएं लखनऊ, आगरा, मेरठ, कानपुर, गाजियाबाद, वाराणसी व सहारनपुर में स्थित हैं। इनमें ज्यादातर निर्माणाधीन हैं, तो कई परियोजनाएं पूर्ण भी हो चुकी हैं। इन परियोजनाओं को…

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RERA yet to resolve malpractices in real estate sector: Experts

PUNE: Experts have said that the RERA, which was envisaged to usher in more transparency in the real estate industry, is yet to be an effective deterrent against malpractices. As the RERA is a small quasi-judicial and administrative body (with three members and a few adjudicating officers for the entire state), it does not have the bandwidth to look into the details of over 19,000 registrations that were granted by the body in the state, so far. The adjudicating officers themselves have powers to look at only certain sections of…

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Over 1,000 realty developers keep dodging RERA notices

BENGALURU: With over 1,000 real estate projects in the state not registering with the Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) and their proponents not responding to repeated notices, the authorities are in a fix. Two days ago, the Karnataka-RERA secretary wrote to the Confederation of Real Estate Developers Association of India (Credai), requesting it to facilitate the registration of unregistered projects by encouraging promoters/developers to appear before the Authority. Referring to the 1,076 projects “under investigation”, which have been identified by RERA for not having registered with the body, the authority’s…

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